
Advance Design Interactive is a full-service interactive marketing agency that specializes in custom web design and development.

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Advance Design Interactive has been recognized as a Philadelphia award winning web design company.

Adi has between improving business workflow for more than 25 years using portal technology. This a very powerful technology that allows you to use any poplar browser and most devices like desktops, Tablets, Mobile phones to execute the program.

Delivery System Portal

We have built a system for manufacturer that driver got the POD (proof of delivery signed) We got a text from the mail frame that was all the delivers the POD where scanned and compare with list from the main frame computer. If the driver was missing a POD he would have go get on his own time. Within the first month the company gained over $25,000.00. Over a year this was a lot more money realized

Sales Portal

We have developed custom CRM to handle the way a company would handle their Sales call and create a drip campaign.


Assembly line Picker Portal

One of distribution companies has a problem figuring out which of 8 box sizes and how to pack merchandise in the box. This company shipped over 50,000 packages at Christmas time. We built them a program that analyzed each order and triggered the assemble line to use a particular box. This saved many man hours and shipping costs.

Security Portal

One of our customers was Swim Club and they had problems with members either not paying or inviting nonpaid members. We built a portal that would scan a QR code and show the picture of the member and the entrance gate, Within Swim Club increase their member payment by 100 people.

Web Form

We built medical, enrollment, information forms and more. Our medical forms allow a patient to form out a new patient form or other types of form that are HIPPA compliant In the past you would have the office and get them to mail it or email and print them and fill them out and send them back.

By using Webform the patient and fill out with only receiving a link to click on. The patient fills it about it saved a secure database which allows office to easily import into a CRM or Appointment schedule or accounting system as long as the software has import feature.

Doing webforms in the past were expensive. Now they are not and you should get ROI in less than six months.

Are webform comes the ability to save a copy for history and the ability to view anywhere you have internet access.

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    If you have an existing web site, please enter your web address

    What can we do for you?

    (Please check all that apply.)

    Web Project:

    New Web siteWeb site redesignWeb programmingInteractive features (Message board, Live chat, etc.)Ecommerce shopping cartDatabase designSecurity/EncryptionFlash programming

    Mobile Apps:

    AndroidIOSReact nativeFlutterIonicXamarinNodePhoneGap

    Other Media:

    Graphic designLogo creationPrint media


    Search Engine OptimizationPay Per Click AdvertisingOnline Media Planning/Buying & Creative DevelopmentEmail MarketingOther

    If other, please specify

    Additional Services:

    Maintain an existing Web siteDomain name registrationWeb site hosting

    Tell us about your project

    What budget have you set?

    What is your projected start time?

    What is your deadline?

    How did you hear about Advance Design?

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    Web Form Portal
    Web Form Portal
    Web Form Portal